


The power of decisions, manipulations, fame, and alpha-dominant traits, rotate around the impact of money. The betas feel they are more subjective to the alphas because of their timidity towards money, and they believe they do not have the nerves (money) to be powerful like the alphas. Money has been perceived by many in this way. This viewpoint emerges from the mindset, mostly from the ones who are currently on a low financial status. Well, it is the perception about money that works. High status guys see money as a no big deal stuff, they have the monetary intelligence and they know how it works. Before this, what should we know about money?

The fact that money is good or bad depends on how it is perceived, and the belief behind its definition. Some religious people see money as bad, with the belief attached to the combination of celebrities, politicians, atheists, fraudsters, and gamblers who seem to live a mundane life that contradicts the Providential standards. Truth be told, money happens to be in the hands of people who waste it on irrelevant expenditure. So, many people view money in that way – money, a paper meant to be spent on indecent things. If we must agree, there are other rich people that make their wealth the right way and are firmly gripped to the ordinances of good religious standards.

The definition of money lies in the room of our minds. You define it; it doesn’t defines you. You believe you can’t, then you can’t. You belief you can, then you can.

The wealthy have a different game play of money. Their knowledge of money, gives them the power over the poor, because they believe in money making, and they work behind this belief. Do you believe you can become a millionaire? Do you think you can reach the heights attained by Elon Musk, Bill Gates and other wealthy giants?

I can strongly tell – many would verbalize about being a superstar of wealth, fantasizing on big blooms of cash – but with an inner contradiction holding them back. Some will say, “I will become a millionaire”, but a thought could erupt, “don’t you see your background, where will you get that kind of money, can you even do it?” – and we end up affirming the mindset – “well, money is not my thing”.

This is the first problem keeping you from where you are. Money is incapable of deciding how it’s used – it is just a medium of interacting values. Like I said, rich people believe they can make money, and they work towards this belief to make money. This is how you and I should think.

Worrying over our background, has been a tradition in a typical African dogmatic system. Some say, Mr A is wealthy because he has the capital to start with, and Mr B would have been wealthy if he had the specie of Mr A’s background. Flush this perspective if you’re willing to grow your wealth. You can make money, even if you are from a low status. Background and environment only display how your money paces. It may be longer for a low status person, but he will surely get there if he’s got the belief.

Money is neutral. This should give you the reason to know that you, yes you; can choose to make money. Have you ever thought of changing your low background with a mindset of making great wealth? That’s where it begins – your core belief. The Bible (Deuteronomy 8:18) even affirms for the religious that they are given the power to make money. It is now left for you to believe that you have the power.

Let’s say you find a snake, it creeps into your balcony, you see it, you run away – why? The fear. You were scared that it could kill you, and you fled for refuge. Your brother comes out, finds the snake and chases it, and  the snake creeps away for its dear life. The difference now is the mindset of your brother and yours. You believed you couldn’t kill the snake and that’s why you ran, or let’s say you were scared it could kill you; but your brother believes that God gave dominion over all things and chases it.

Of course we’ve heard stories of snakes killing men. That doesn’t mean that you’ll go out carelessly to let a snake kill you – of course not. You fight it carefully with the core belief (that you can do it), driving you to kill the snake. That’s how money is. The rich know this, and work towards it. You fight and fight till you get it.

You may come from a poor background. That doesn’t hold the fact that you have been given the power to make wealth. Start with a job, make money, save some, make more money, use the amplitude of the money and invest. There are many books, mentors and online cites on how to grow investments. Learn and acquire wisdom on how to bloom your wealth, but first belief you can do it.

It will not be as simple as it may sound. It takes time, effort and most importantly mistakes, to make the money rich people acquire. It is about believing – that is the first step.

A Writer, Poet, Researcher, and Literary enthusiast

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