
The Financial Authority Of France Approves Binance As A Digital Asset Service Provider

Binance will now scale a notable operation in France, following it’s registration approval and plans to expand its team “to pursue further infrastructure development”

France financial authority, The Autoritè des Marchès Financiers (AMF) responsible for regulating the financial market has conferred Binance’s registration to provide crypto related services in the country.



The AMF, enlisted the Binance France SAS in it’s digital asset service providers in France, in a Wednesday update. This is a step toward allowing the crypto exchange to provide crypto-related service in France including Operating a digital asset platform, custodying asset and exchanging digital assets for other token or legal tender.

According to the AMF, registeration demands checks to ensure “good repute and competence of the managers and beneficial owners” as well as compliance with regulations on anti-money laundering and combatting the financing of terrorism. Binance said it will “significantly scale” its operations in France following the registration approval, and planned to expand its team “to pursue further infrastructure development.”



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