

The American streaming service company – Netflix – is reportedly looking to launch a new advertising tier. Initially, the feature will be available in Australia and should go on air before the end of 2022. However, the company might not support some marketing campaigns that contain political, gambling, and cryptocurrency content.


According to a report by The Sydney Morning Herald, Netflix had begun discussion with Australian advertisers to roll out new ads before the beginning of an episode, or a movie. Some sources revealed that the streaming service company might run advertisements even in the middle of a program.


The new service is supposed to go online by the end of 2022. However, a spokesperson for Netflix said that decisions on how to introduce it are yet to be made. The spokesperson said “We are still in the early days of deciding how to launch a lower priced, ad-supported option, and no decisions have been made. This is all just speculation at this point.”


On the other hand, featuring cryptocurrency ads and such with political or gambling content is not on Netlix’s new advertisement agenda. The firm is even considering restrictions or even removals of ads on pharmaceutical products, too.


At the end of 2021, Meta (formerly known as Facebook) expanded the range of cryptocurrency adverts on its platform. Previously limited to 3, the international social network giant started accepting up to 27 licenses, which can be publicly viewed on its policy page.


Meta’s policy page said “Cryptocurrency continues to be an evolving space, and we may refine these rules over time as the industry changes. This includes adding eligible licenses to the list as they become available and after we have reviewed them,” the company stated back then.


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