

As expected, price is trading back and forth within the zones and it’s currently at support. So we may see intraday longs. However the monthly chart isn’t looking so good, we had a bearish monthly close and I’m just wondering if it’s this month we’ll see 16k for Bitcoin.
We’ll watch and see how price unfolds but most likely we’ll see the month close bearish as well so be prepared.

Monthly close was bearish as well, price just rejected from the resistance zone and seems to be heading to support at $1500. Most likely intraday shorts should come through. I would like to see the trendline support give way first and then have a re-test before dropping lower.

Trading currently at support, if it rejects nicely, we can look for long entries into the resistance zone at least.

Is currently trading at support zone and we can some bullish move already, I want to see the trendline support hold up price and then we seek higher prices to $33.5

Still trading back and forth within the range. Might short to support if a decent entry comes through.

It’s a new month and we’re bent on bring you the best on technical analysis this month. Stay tuned to the blog and enjoy the best of this as we help you become a profitable trader.

I wish you all good luck and good trading. HAPPY NEW MONTH!!!

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